
Qualified Embed Demos

See the main page for details.

If you want to run the demos locally, start a development server, for example python -m http.server 8000, then point your browser to the localhost:8000 address. Most demos are static HTML files, but some require builds. See readme files within those demo directories for specific instructions.


This is a demonstration of how you can use Embed with Google’s Blockly to create captivating educational experiences.

Carry Forward

If you have a series of challenges, you can use the manager’s onRun callback to determine when a challenge has been completed and move on to the next challenge using editor.update({challengeId: nextChallengeId}).

If you’d like the new challenge to begin with the candidate’s last-completed source code, you can set initialFiles.code (for classic code challaneges) or initialFiles[path] (for project code challenges) to the previous solution code (or any other code you wish to provide as a starting point for the next challenge).

Challenge Chooser

Oftentimes, letting the student or candidate pick from a variety of challenges is useful. For example, when assessing framework-agnostic front-end development skills, it may be appropriate to let challengers work in one of multiple frameworks. At the time of writing, Qualified’s project code challenge feature doesn’t offer more than a single environment per challenge, but Embed can.


Powerful browser-based code editors such as CodeMirror and Ace can be used with Qualified Embed in place of the built-in CodeMirror editor in Embed’s iframe.

A minimal connection between an external editor and Qualified Embed involves extracting any editor textarea values to insert into their corresponding Qualified Embed files upon submission. This can be done in CodeMirror as follows:

codeMirrorEditor.on("keyup", (cm, event) => {
  qEmbedEditor.setFileContents({ code: cm.getValue() });

Beyond that, mapping the editor’s keystrokes like Ctrl+Enter to fire Embed submissions and setting CodeMirror textareas based on the initially loaded code inside challenge files is likely desirable. See script.js for details.

It’s possible to go a step further and move challenge instructions and code runner output outside of Embed. This would enable you to use Embed headlessly and create your UI entirely from scratch.


Expanding on the CodeMirror demo, you can use Firepad or another service to enable multiple editors. This enables students, instructors, candidates and reviewers to collaborate from different computers in real time. There are many rabbit holes available to go down with multiplayer editing which can cover a wide range of use cases, so this is a bare-minimum “hello world” example.

Parson’s Problem

This shows how you can use Embedded Qualified to set up an experimental challenge format like a code block scramble (Parson’s problem).

Progress Meter

Sometimes it’s nice to let students move between different coding tests at their own pace. In this demo, we simulate a complete education course on a single page. This demo tracks the student’s progress across several embeds, with a progress bar at the top of the page tracking their overall success. The student is free to solve the challenges in any order.


This demo provides a basic starter for using Embed via npm with React and Webpack. The setup can be adapted to other Node builds and libraries such as Vite, Parcel, Vue and Angular.

Server Validation

This demonstration illustrates how to run Embed on the server programmatically with the browser automation library Playwright. This allows you to securely run your candidate’s code, validate solutions and persist the results on your server without using Qualified to manage assessments or assessment results.

Written Response

Embed supports challenges that offer testable written response fields using markdown.